Imprint: Fall 2016 [December]

Cara Miller [Course Adviser]: English Professor Cara enjoys writing, reading, teaching, eating stale Halloween candy, singing along with the car radio, and being with her family -- but not in that order. Working with the Literary Arts Magazine has given her a new appreciation for students' creativity and task management. Kate Brock [Senior Editor]: Senior Creative Writing &… Continue reading Imprint: Fall 2016 [December]


By Abby Johnson The kitchen smells like tea and stale pizza and cut grass. If Mae was going to label summer by smell, it would be this mixture of things: this swirling fragrance that seems to have no home except wandering through summer days. She sits on a stool at her kitchen counter, trying to… Continue reading Compass

There Are No Semicolons In This Poem

By Abby Johnson There Are No Semicolons In This Poem Semicolon summer with hazy days closing in like a castle of ferns. Semicolon summer dancing in foreign places and crawling across state lines.   Urban hearts rearing against southern souls And the Midwest is the only place these bones have ever returned to. City streets… Continue reading There Are No Semicolons In This Poem

The NCAA Tournament through the Eyes of a Senior in College

By Andrea Miller Lately, my Facebook feed has been full of friends and acquaintances talking about the NCAA basketball tournament. I cannot seem to escape the constant references to brackets, upsets, and underdog teams. Even my boyfriend has been texting me updates about what teams are winning and losing. Admittedly, I know very little about… Continue reading The NCAA Tournament through the Eyes of a Senior in College

My Favorite “Trumpisms”

By Ethan Utterback The 2016 Presidential election has been nothing short of absurd, and absurd may even be on the humane side. For starters, the GOP nomination started out with 12 candidates at the beginning of the primaries—no, your eyes did not deceive you, I did say 12. The other thing, or shall I say… Continue reading My Favorite “Trumpisms”

On Funky Bones

By Kate Brock, Syford Poetry Contest Winner On Funky Bones, We nestle in a corner, the Space at the base of The pelvis. We know The older couple Approaching stares. Their eyes scrunch up like Raisins, angry raisins.              On Funky Bones, Where we lose shoes Hopping from one white-black- Fiberglass-plywood structure to the next,… Continue reading On Funky Bones

Operation Vigilance The Vision

By Alena Nead Alena Nead - Student at AU, Major in Visual Communications Design and Dance Performance Alena Nead grew up in Albion Illinois and is currently a freshman at Anderson University. She works as an office assistant in the dance program and is involved with several campus and community groups. These include the Beyond Me… Continue reading Operation Vigilance The Vision